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Custom solutions

Standard and custom bioinformatics routines can be offered to analyse your high-throughput omics data. We start with raw data and work towards high-end representations of the results based on customers’ needs.
If high-end bioinformatics solutions are required we collaborate with our partner BioLizard, specialized in bioinformatics, biostatistics and machine learning solutions.

Ribo-seq bioinformatics

Ribosome profiling read preprocessing, genome mapping statistic, a full QC report and summarized gene- or transcript-level translation information is generated.

Next to a basic bioinformatics package, more advanced algorithms and methods can be applied.

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Nanopore-seq bioinformatics

Nanopore sequencing basecalling,  read and barcode processing, reference genome mapping, and full QC reporting is performed. Next, the results are processed to be visualised in a genome browser context.

Next to a basic bioinformatics package, more advanced algorithms and methods can be applied.

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