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Technologies provides high quality services equipped with start-of-the-art technologies. We offer start-to-finish solutions for all of your -omics needs.

Sample preparation can rely on a range of instruments supporting nucleic acid extraction for the most challenging sample types and sample treatment prior to library preparation.

Library preparation & QC

Automated pipetting systems can support high-throughput library preparation from a variety of protocols while QC is performed on an array of the most up-to-date equipment.


Based on the needs of each project, can offer either Nanopore-based sequencing with the Oxford Nanopore instruments and/or sequencing by synthesis with the Illumina instruments.
OHMX_High-throughput OMICS solutions
Sample preparation
Sample preparation possesses state-of-the-art equipment that allows different sample preparation protocols in an automated, efficient and accurate way.

Precellys Evolution homogeniser

The Precellys Evolution is the most advanced tissue homogenizer combining high efficiency and versatility for all sample preparation needs.

• Super efficient: DNA, RNA & proteins from any biological sample
• Super strong: powerful 3D motion, up to 10 000rpm
• Super flexible: 6 different volumes of tubes
• Super easy: automatic tube locking system

Covaris S2

The Covaris S2 focused-ultrasonicator is a versatile, high power system engineered for pre-analytical sample processing for numerous biological and chemical applications including, DNA, RNA, and chromatin shearing, tissue homogenization, cell lysis, compound dissolution, and particle micronization. The computer controlled device allows for shearing at any set fragment size.

OHMX_High-throughput OMICS solutions
library preparation and quality control
High-throughput library preparation
and quality control is fully equipped with the latest technologies to process a high variability of samples with the most diverse library preparation protocols. Virtually all steps are quality controlled using fluorometric quantitation (Qubit 3.0 – Invitrogen or Quant-iT Picogreen/Ribogreen), qPCR and trace visualisation (Agilent Bioanalyser 2100 or Agilent Tapestation 4200 or Perkin Elmer Labchip).

Bioanalyzer 2100 – Agilent Techn.


Femto Pulse System – Agilent Techn.

LabChip® – PerkinElmer


LightCycler® 480 Instrument II – Roche

TapeStation 4200 – Agilent Techn.

SpectraMax Mini

iSeq 100

OHMX_High-throughput OMICS solutions
Sequencing instruments
Sequencing instruments

We offer a wide range of sequencing instruments allowing to sequence at every scale and scope of any project.

Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Oxford Nanopore

The Oxford Nanopore sequencers make us of a membrane containing nano-scale holes or nanopores. By setting a voltage across this membrane, strands of DNA or RNA pass through the nanopores making it possible to detect an ionic current. Changes in these currents can be used to identify that molecule.


This portable real-time device for DNA and RNA sequencing allows us to generate 10 – 30 Gb of data. The Oxford Nanopore sequencing technology will be applied for our genomics and epigenomics work, seen its clear advantages as for instance the sequencing of (ultra-) long reads up to 2 Megabases, the ability to perform direct DNA sequencing and the simple and rapid library preparation. Different types of double stranded DNA can be measured as for example genomic DNA (gDNA), complement DNA (cDNA) or amplicons.

More MinION specifications

GridION X5

The GridION X5 is a compact benchtop system designed to run and analyse up to five MinION Flow Cells. The sequencer has a very flexible setup that allows up to five experiments to be run concurrently or individually. The current chemistry and software release enables generation of up to 150 Gb of data during one run. The data is analysed in real time.

More GridION X5 specifications


The PromethION is the large-scale instrument in the Nanopore sequencing family.

More on the PromethION specifications

P2 Solo

The P2 Solo is a modular attachment for the GridION sequencer, capable of simultaneously sequencing two PromethION flow cells.

More on the P2 Solo specifications

Illumina technologies
iSeq 100

The iSeq 100, Illumina’s most accessible benchtop sequencer. Leveraging the speed and affordability of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology and the accuracy of sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry. Ideal for quality control of libraries.

More iSeq 100 specifications


The MiSeq benchtop sequencer is well suited for smaller projects and thus allows for more focused applications such as targeted gene sequencing, metagenomics, small genome and transcriptome sequencing, and targeted gene expression. Generating 1 million up to 25 million reads, the MiSeq sequencer is ideal for reduced representation studies and narrowly focused applications.

More MiSeq specifications

NextSeq 500

NextSeq 500

With an output of up to 400 million reads, our Illumina NextSeq 500 sequencer is more suited for larger study designs. It is the only benchtop sequencer that can sequence a 30x coverage human genome in one run. The NextSeq 500 is easily configured providing researchers perfect scalability for mid-sized to large projects at maximal operational efficiency.

More NextSeq500 specifications

HiSeq 3000

HiSeq 3000

The HiSeq 3000 System is a powerful and efficient ultra-high-throughput sequencing system that, with an output of up to 750 gigabase (Gb) of data, is ideally suited for large-scale genomics projects.

More HiSeq 3000 specifications

Novaseq 6000

The Novaseq 6000 System provides scalable ultra-high-throughput and flexibility for virtually any sequencing method, genome, and scale of project.

More Novaseq 6000 specifications

Element Biosciences

The AVITI sequencer uses a sequencing-by-binding chemistry (SBB) that involves the binding of a multivalent fluorescent polymerase substrate by avidity. This results in an industry leading accuracy of  >80% >Q40 PHRED scores.

More AVITI specifications