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OHMX_High-throughput OMICS solutions


Targeted (Re)sequencing

With targeted (re)sequencing, a subset of genes or regions of the genome is isolated and sequenced. Targeted approaches using next and third-generation sequencing allow researchers to focus time, expenses, and data analysis on specific areas of interest. Such targeted analysis can include for instance include specific genes of interest, targets within genes, or mitochondrial DNA.

Advantages of Targeted (Re)Sequencing

Focuses on regions of interest, generating a smaller, more manageable data set

Reduces sequencing costs and data analysis burdens

Reduces turnaround time compared to broader approaches

Enables deep sequencing at high coverage levels for rare variant identification

Targeted (Re)Sequencing workflow

First, our wet-lab team will perform a quality analysis of the DNA samples provided by you. We will need at least 1µg of DNA. Only when the provided genomic DNA is of sufficient quality and quantity will we proceed with the next steps. In case the DNA provided to us is of insufficient quality and/or quantity, we will contact you and discuss how to proceed.

Then, your samples will be enriched for the set of genes or regions of your interest by bead capturing. From these enriched samples sequencing libraries are prepared by ligating adapters. After another quality assessment step these libraries are sequenced on one of our Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencers. The technical quality of the sequencing run is monitored in real time.

 Raw sequencing data can be transferred to you via the server (FTP download) or the Illumina BaseSpace platform.